Our Shamans
The Ayahuasca ceremony is like a travel to faraway realms. In those realms, you can encounter heavenly creatures, hellish monsters, and everything in between.
Within this wild safari, you want to be led by someone who knows the landscape and has a skillset specifically designed for this environment. In short, you need a good Shaman.
From the start to the finish of the ceremony, the Shaman creates a bubble where things can be controlled. Within it, you are safe, and knowing this will deliver you from anxiety and fear.
Ayahuasca brew can be compared with some high-octane fuel. You are the car, and the shaman is the one who builds the road.
A skilled shaman will create a flawless road that will allow you to travel at a very high speed. The Shaman also can reduce the time needed for traumas to be healed.
Maestro Jairo
For the first time, Jairo was introduced to the Ayahuasca when he was 13 years old. His father was his mentor and teacher, and he taught Jairo how to work with Ayahuasca plant medicine.
Since then for about 28 years Jairo learned the power of multiple plants and trees that can be used to heal everyone in need.
Jairo is very open and friendly. Feel free to approach him during your retreat and chat with him. He openly explains and shares his knowledge.
He enjoys swimming with the guests in the Amazon River and showing them the forest.
Maestro Urias
Urias is a descendant of a well-known lineage of shamans of the Shipibo tribe of the Amazon.
He started his training at 16 years old, and he says that the decision of him to become a shaman belongs to the Ayahuasca itself.
If being a shaman is an art, then Urias is like the Michelangelo of Ayahuasca. His style of singing has a remarkable power and there is no chance you won't feel it.
Besides everything else, Urias is a pretty decent soccer player and sometimes indulges in playing with the guests. If you will end up in his team, know that the victory is near!
Maestra Lilia
Her singing, attention, and care during and after the ceremony, can reunite you with parts of yourself you forgot existed. She can calm you down by her only presence and her smile ignites hope.
Besides being an outstanding shaman, she is making intricate embroideries with Ayahuasca motifs.
Maestra Lilia is the definition of mother's love in the Ayahuasca ceremony.
She has been doing Ayahuasca for over a decade now and she belongs to the Shipibo-Conibo tribe.
Kambo Master Keith
When it comes to understanding how to work with Kambo, Rapeh, and other traditional medicines of the Amazon, Keith is one of the best.
In the '60s, his family helped the first scientific researchers to study and introduce the Kambo frog medicine to the West.
At our center, he will entertain you with multiple stories about frog medicine. After educating you, he will conduct the Kambo ceremony and will carefully guide you through.