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Ayahuasca mapacho plant
paper image Lighthouse! ayahuasca retreat peru
Ayahuasca kambo ceremony
Ayahuasca kambo ceremony
Ayahuasca natural medicine

Natural Doping 

Ayahuasca kambo ceremony
Ayahuasca kambo ceremony
Ayahuasca mapacho plant
Ayahuasca mapacho plant illustration

   This way to use Mapacho is called Rapeh.


   The Rapeh is recommended as a deep cleansing method for your body that in it's turn will allow you to go deeper on Ayahuasca.


   After the intake of Rapeh, your focus and attention are getting sharpened like a knife. Being familiarized with such a powerful state of mind will allow you to use its residual effect during the Ayahuasca ceremony.


   Rapeh can demonstrate what it means to stay focused. And this is a skill that is impossible to overappreciate during your Ayahuasca retreat and Life.

   Your mind is full of surprises and incredible hidden capabilities. You would be amazing at the things you can do. The problem is that many of your superpowers are borrowed pretty deep.

   But don't be upset. We have a set of magic shovels that will help you uncover the treasures lying deep between your ears.


   The following plant medicines are meant to assist you on your journey. These powerful tools that Nature shared with us for millennia.

   They are now at your service to help you achieve remarkable results and Spiritual Records.

   You would be surprised, but there is a frog that can heal you with its poison. The name of that magic frog is"Kambo" and that is also the name of the ceremony done with the use of the venom produced by the frog.


   On your path toward a strong and healthy mind, you will need a healthy body and this amazing frog can help you with that. 

   When applied through a small burn on your skin, the poison rapidly gets into your bloodstream and starts cleaning and detoxifying you from the inside out.

   This cleaning is complimentary to the effects of Ayahuasca. As a result, both your mind and the body are strengthened and cleaned.

paper image Lighthouse! ayahuasca retreat peru


paper image Lighthouse! ayahuasca retreat peru


Ayahuasca mapacho smoke
Ayahuasca mapacho plant smoke

   Mapacho ( Nicotiana Rustica ) is a wild tobacco plant that is traditionally used by the native people of the Amazon Rainforest for its protective properties.

   Mapacho is smoked during the ceremony by the participants and the Shaman. Its smoke is inducing a feeling of safety and reassurance. 


The smoke of Mapacho will envelop and keep you focused during the Ayahuasca ceremony.


   While diving into your mind’s well, the pressure of your thoughts will increase, and having an extra layer of protection will be very handy. That's when the Mapacho smoke will have your back!

   The Mapacho plant has one more way of helping you. In dry, powdered form, it can be administered into your nostrils to deeply clean your respiratory system and alter your consciousness.

 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru
 Ayahuasca retreat peru


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