The Ayahuasca Diet
This will make your body clean and ready for the work to come.
Our bodies are burning food to get things done.
If you want to perform at your peak, you would need the best fuel possible.
The more intricate the task at hand, the more delicate food you would need to burn to succeed.
And since at stake is your happiness, you need a truly magical Ayahuasca diet.
The Ayahuasca diet is not complicated at all. In general terms, it can be defined as a vegan diet made of fresh local fruits, vegetables, and everything in between.
A clean and simple diet will keep your body safe and will prepare your mind for the necessary efforts.
The Amazon Rainforest is home to many fruits and vegetables and we know how to select the most fresh and delicious to prepare your food.
Our cooks were trained by Mother Nature itself to use the secret ingredient that transforms any dish into a masterpiece - LOVE!
And we have plenty of it so we generously sprinkle every dish.
We are what we eat. And if our retreat has a chance to influence your food choices, we will try our best to lure your stomach with the best foods we can find.
And since that food will be infused with care and Love, that is what you will be made of.
Taking that into account, we will provide you with:
- 3 meals/day in the days withoout ceremonies
- 2 meals /day during the ceremonieal day.

Besides the main meals, you will always have at your disposal seasonal fruits as snacks.
Before the Ayahuasca ceremony is it advisable to fast for at least 10 hours.
After spending some time in the Jungle on such a diet, don't be puzzled that after going back home, you would want to continue to refine your diet. That is our intention!

Among the ingredients we use:
- Fruits ( pineapple, banana, papaya, mango, watermelon, coconut, star fruit, lemon, camu-camu, avocado etc.)
-Vegetables ( sweet potato, tomatoes, broccoli, cauliflower)
-Seeds/Grains ( rice, lentils, chia seeds, beans, etc.)