"A journey of a thousand miles begins with an Ayahuasca retreat.”
Mr. Shaman

If you are serious about fixing your life and setting your mind in order, you need allies. You need a team of people who know this path because they walked it many times.
"Lighthouse!" is a boot camp for mental health training, spiritual sports, and self-exploration records.
If you are in the search of light of Health, Care, Knowledge, and Love we have it all.

Will it be easy?
Probably not. But is your happiness worth the struggle?
The best moment is now, so take a leap and the wings will grow on the way down.
As much as we would like it, we cannot win the game of life for you. That is your race. But what we can do, is provide you with the best possible training camp, coaches, and help for you to master your mind. And your mind will make all the magic!
Your mind can be your best friend or your worst enemy. You are the one deciding what it will become.

Spiritual Training Retreats

We are forging Champions who want a change and are willing to make an effort for that. All it takes is commitment.

Regardless of the length of the race, you have all the chances to become a Champion and change your life.
We are here, in the Heart of the Jungle for those of you whose ship is lost in the dark. For those, who need a sign to find their way Home, to Nature.

depending on the depth you want to reach and the amount of pain to heal.
We have 3 types of Ayahuasca retreats

Running from something makes you a victim. However, running towards something gives you a chance to become a Champion.